Document This [Win/Mac] [Latest] Document This is a comprehensive software utility that enables you to store files in a database structure and organize them into categories and subcategories. You can manage any number of SQL databases and view the stored documents in an easy-to-understand tree-like structure. It allows you to preview many types of content, such as images and PDF files, though the latter requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to be installed. The application offers a fair amount of useful functions, but features a rather cumbersome and outdated interface. Create and manage databases When first launching Document This, you are required to connect to an SQL database available locally or on a network. The program can help you create one from scratch, then have it set as the default database. It is also possible to create backups and restore data, should your database be compromised for whatever reason. Add and organize files After connecting to a database, you can use it to store any number of files. When adding new documents, the program allows you to specify a large amount of details, from an item's name, to transaction amount, vendor name, phone number, address and a short description. Documents can be organized into categories and subcategories, then displayed in an easy-to-read tree-like structure. Additionally, it is possible to preview various types of items, such as images and PDF files. Acquire images from scanners, print files and send them via e-mail To simplify the task of importing new content, Document This allows you to add images and documents directly from compatible scanning devices. Then, you can print them directly from the application or quickly transfer them online by attaching them to e-mail messages. All in all, Document This is a useful tool that can help you organize various types of files in multiple SQL databases. However, it should be noted that it is not a particularly user-friendly application, as the file management process is not very intuitive. 5.0 Overall rating Good product Product is an efficient tool to organize files Product is an efficient tool to organize files Pros: Very good support system. Cons: Older UI, not many functions. Functionality Document This Description: Document This is a comprehensive software utility that enables you to store files in a database structure and organize them into categories and subcategories. You can manage any number of SQL databases and view the stored documents in an easy-to-understand tree-like structure. It allows you to preview many Document This Crack + With License Key Free Download What You Should Know A comprehensive document management tool that makes it easy to organize files in multiple databases. Add, organize and preview files in a very easy to understand structure Preview and print scanned images and documents directly from the application or attach them to an e-mail and send them directly Acquire files directly from compatible scanning devices Manage and organize files in multiple databases Manage backups of databases and restore them Review recently opened files, select between a list of items and preview them in a limited preview window Create or access new databases Add, organize, preview and print files directly from the application Preview and print scanned images and documents directly from the application or attach them to an e-mail and send them directly It is possible to search for documents by scanning a document or adding their titles to the application Scan documents, add images to an online database and manage them in a series of steps Review recently opened files, select between a list of items and preview them in a limited preview window Scan documents, add images to an online database and manage them in a series of steps 2.1 Microsoft Windows (Version 6.1.7601) 64-bit English 7.0 36.1 MB 1 review(s) You May Also Like Improve efficiency by analyzing the information in files stored in a database. List all items stored in the database and sort them in a new order. Visualize the contents of files in a variety of ways and apply operations to modify them. For example, rename the files and perform various edits. Work with images and PDF files stored in databases by modifying them. Set the priority of a job to ensure that it is executed according to your preferences. You can also search for jobs by name and set a time limit to prevent them from running longer than expected. You can also generate a report showing all the executed jobs and search for them by name. Full Description 4.7 94 reviews The software is designed to improve your efficiency in a database, providing a number of useful operations. Using the list of items, it is possible to work with them according to your preferences, such as sorting them in a new order, adding new ones, moving them from one database to another, modifying their names and images and other details. You can also visualize and work with various types of content, such as images and PDF files. Document This allows you to work with images and PDF files stored in databases. You can either preview them or print them directly from the application. Moreover, the tool allows you to import files directly from compatible scanning devices. The program provides many other useful functions, such as updating, moving and deleting files, while working with databases. The interface is straightforward and intuitive, 8e68912320 Document This Crack + Registration Code KEYMACRO is a macro recording and editing utility designed for Windows users. It allows you to create and execute text macros that control a standard Windows editor like Notepad or WordPad. The application includes a number of preset macros, from date and time pickers to regular expressions, to help you get started. However, it should be noted that while many functions are available, many more are not. You can record macros and edit the recorded text while it is playing, which makes the process of building a custom macro much easier. KEYMACRO also allows you to create new macros by simply clicking an action on the tool's interface. Keymacro includes a limited help section and includes a decent set of basic commands, though it is not very intuitive. Macro Recorder Description: Macro Recorder is a simple macro recorder application for Windows that helps you create text macros in Notepad and WordPad. It includes a fairly small set of predefined macros, but it can easily be expanded with a larger selection. Once you have created a macro, you can execute it in the application and see the results. There are four main categories of macros available in the program, including several basic text substitution and date and time picker actions. Macro Recorder is not a program that aims to be intuitive or easy to use, but it is a functional utility that is easy to use. The program offers a fairly limited set of features, but it can do its job quite well. Keyboard Description: Keyboard is a small utility that enables you to create custom actions that control the Windows keyboard. You can use the application to register any key combination for any application and create a custom hotkey. Once registered, you can assign it to any hotkey you want and click a button to activate it. Keyboard allows you to create actions for any keyboard combinations, but it is not designed to work with all of them. The program does not include a large number of options, but it is functional enough to be used as an alternative to default keyboard applications. Keyboard Features: Keyboard is a small utility that enables you to create custom keyboard actions in Windows. It includes a few presets and allows you to create your own custom hotkeys. You can assign the hotkey to any combination you want and click a button to activate it. It is possible to register actions for almost any keyboard combination, but some are not supported. Some options What's New In? System Requirements For Document This: Required: Adobe Flash Player 10 or later Minimum: OS: Windows XP or Windows Vista (64-bit versions only) OS: Windows 7 (64-bit versions only) CPU: 1.8 GHz Intel Pentium 4, AMD Athlon 64 X2, AMD Opteron 64 Memory: 1 GB RAM Hard disk: 700 MB free space Video: Video card: GeForce 8800 or Radeon X1950 (DirectX 9.0c compatible) HDD: 750 MB free space
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